New version of the best website acceleration software - WEBO Site SpeedUp - is here. Main changes:
- Added WEBO Nimblizer (image optimization tool). It is based on PHP5
function with all filters and compression (including GIF2PNG and BMP2PNG functionality) + PCR tool from bolknote. Performance is great (and it works locally instead of tool), efficiency is also amazing. Now Image optimization becase even simplier. - Cancelled PHP4 back compatibility. There was a blog post about such a decision. Now WEBO Site SpeedUp can be made easy, lighter, and w/o double code. PHP4 users can use 1.3.0- versions - all of them completely support this environment.
- Added CSS Minify option. There were a lot of user complaints about broken styles after data:URI application. Now they can be used w/o CSS Tidy library (and it's an value in CSS Minify option).
- Separated unobtrusive widgets configuration. One more global change to make product easier to understand and tune. Now you can use Wiki page and
to create your own solution for unblocking JavaScript. - Added option to exclude GET params from URL hash on caching. This is a useful feature for e-commerce websites which widely use different campaign identifiers for the same content pages. Now these identifiers can be excluded from hash, and the same cache entries will be used.
- Added unobtrusive support for Affiz ads, Google Translate widget.
- Improved server environment detection.
- Improved HTML caching (more stability and performance).
- Minor fixes.
You can update to WEBO Site SpeedUp v1.3.1 right now - it is ready!